12 Steps & More Books for Mental & Spiritual Health

140 N. Warren St. Trenton, New Jersey

A World of 12-Step Fellowships for Addiction Recovery

Your addiction of choice: Gambling, OVEREATING, Debting, SEX and/or LOVE addictions, SUBSTANCE ABUSE (alcohol, narcotics), Destructive Co-dependencies, ANGER, workaholic..?..you name it!!

Come in and Browse through your mental & spiritual health

Anyone can participate
in our organization

Find ways you or your organization can donate books. Learn how to open a new meeting. If you live close-by, volunteer for the bookstore while you sit and read dozens of books and hundreds of pages. Participate and get wise.

Learn about your emotions

sit in the sanctuary and meditate

Keep getting yourself into the same ugly routine? The 12-step “approach to life” is not exactly what anyone expects, believe me.

We believe every county seat in the country should have a brick and mortar store like this.

Helping to attract through public education, distributing literature of ALL fellowships, promoting the process of fellowship and peer-to-peer support, rather than promoting any single fellowship, claiming “sobriety” or a “cure” for any particular addiction.

Practice Areas

Practicing the Twelve Steps is a lifelong journey. Traditionally, which is to say, the culture says that you get yourself a sponsor to help introduce you to the step program and walk you through the steps. In many groups, in many of your local fellowships, your sponsor becomes the ‘conscience’ of your program… but always keep in mind, your sponsor is a guide … it is the program and the higher power that is looking after the fellowship that is your keel to help you sail straight and recover, experiencing freedom from that old addiction of yours, a day at a time.


Alcoholics Anonymous

The grand-daddy of the 12-steps. It’s good to sit in on a few AA meetings, even if you’re not an alcoholic. Introduce yourself as “an addict” and ask permission.


Al-Anon, Al-Ateen

This program was begun by the wife of the founder of AA. It is a fellowship to help those who must live with an addictive spouse or parent, or child.


ACOA, ACAAdult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families This program is for practically anyone, for there is hardly a family that is not dysfunctional… and some of us have raised our own, and now must deal with growth children !


Codependents Anonymous (CODA)


Debtors Anonymous (DA)


Food Addicts Anonymous (FA)


Gamblers Anonymous (GA)


Narcotics Anonymous (NA)


Overeaters Anonymous (OA)


Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)


Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)


Sexaholics Anonymous (SA)


Workaholics Anonymous (WA)

Sorry but this is not an on-line store.

You can go to the page describing the literature for any of the fellowships, and you should find a link to the national website, with their bookstore.

If I can’t find a meeting to go to locally, can you help me start one?

Certainly! Nowadays there are Zoom meetings all around the globe that you can attend to see the structure and get familiar with how people share. But many people prefer a real fellowship with face-to-face people.

Lorem Ipsum cogitur ?

There’s lots of stuff I need to add …but give us a call.

My cell-phone is 609 649-0970.

Need more information?

Struggling to locate the solutions you seek? We are here to assist!